Since 1987, we have been striving to keep history alive.
Our Mission.
The society’s purpose is to keep history alive, bring together people who are interested in local history, accumulate and make available material about the area, collect and index historical materials, promote tourism, develop a speakers’ bureau, and encourage genealogical research.
Researchers write the Society for information and assistance in their search for historical data about the county, particularly genealogical. As an all-volunteer organization, the Society makes every effort to help by at least advising the inquirer where to look.
As a focus for research about the region, the Society’s offices are visited regularly by people from around the country. The offices are near the county public library and the courthouse. All courthouse records are accessible dating to 1800 when Tazewell County was formed. Pre-1800 data is kept in the other courthouses which at one time served the residents here, starting with Augusta Courthouse in Staunton, VA.
The Society has members from all over the nation and membership is open to all. Written or e-mail queries are welcome, as well as personal visits. Donations to support our operating costs are encouraged when we provide these services to non-members. All donations are tax deductible.
The Society has an active publications program. It has published six pictorial histories of the county, its towns, and its families. It has also published the comprehensive Tazewell County Heritage volumes I and II. In addition to its own publications, the Society sells a long list of other relevant books and periodicals containing data from the county and Southwestern Virginia region.
The Society publishes a semi-annual newsletter which is mailed to our members. Limited quantities of individual copies are available at our office.